Furthermore, ensure that you appropriately recognize the artist. You may need to get permission before you use certain tracks. However, you need to be aware of YouTube’s copyright laws. In addition, you will gain access to guitar backing tracks with chords and lyrics, ensuring that you get the data at once. YouTube has an incredibly large collection of tracks and some videos date back years. So, you can easily find what you’re looking for. The site allows you to choose guitar backing tracks based on key, genre, or display chords. As such, they boast a much higher quality.
#Guitar jam tracks customizeable professional#
While the tracks are free, they are also created by talented and professional artists. With this site, you can enjoy the best of both worlds. Some of the more popular backing tracks on this site include: This site has one of the most comprehensive collections of guitar backing tracks! You can find songs by artist or by genre and there are hundreds of titles to select from. Keep in mind that there may be limitations to how you can use these tracks. Given below are the sites on which you can find free guitar backing tracks. Official Website: Free Sites for Guitar Backing Tracks When you purchase your desired track, you get the chord charts and diagrams to boot. Thus, you will have no trouble finding exactly what you’re looking for here. This includes country, soul, R&B, metal, lounge, and a whole lot more. The main perk of using this guitar backing track site is that it covers every genre imaginable.

Whether you are a singer looking for a backup or a musician looking for practice, the site will serve you well. It has everything from The Stones to Steppenwolf. However, if you have a soft spot for rock guitar backing tracks, then this is the site to head to. This site offers up backing tracks for old and new songs alike. The artist must be credited if you choose to use it publicly.

They are excellent for practice and jam sessions. The tracks are meant for personal, non-commercial use, but are of very high-quality. If you are looking for original or acoustic guitar backing tracks, look no further than this site. Official Website: Superior Jam Backing Track